IOS 17.4 Features and Changes


Sideloading is a brand-new feature that allows users to download apps and programs outside the app store.

So far this feature is only available in the EU due to the laws passed that multiple app stores must be available.

Apple Podcast Transcribe

Apple Podcast has an update where your able to see the transcriptions of the podcast your listening to.

New Emoji's

There are 10 primary new emojis.

Apple Cash Virtual Number

If you have Apple Cash enabled you will be able to have a virtual card number so you will be able to use it on things outside of Apple Pay

Stolen Device Protection Feature Change

Stolen Device Protection is a feature that was introduced in iOS 17.3 where when you are in an unfamiliar location there will be an hour delay before you can change certain settings like your password or your iCloud info. IOS 17.4 had a new menu where you can enable it anywhere or only in an unfamiliar location.

Shazam Update

Now shazam has an "ADD TO" button to add to your playlists or library.

iPhone 15  Battery Menu Update

Apple has made  changes in the settings where the cycle count is in the battery health section and battery health says normal instead of the percentage.